April 01, 2008

All Along The Watchtower

Probably one of the most meaningful songs I've come across in a long time.
All Along The Watchtower
(written: Bob Dylan; guitar: Jimi Hendrix) is about the joker and the thief (possibly two of the most timeless characters), who realize that they need a new life and head towards a castle occupied by the princes, women and barefoot servants and which is well-guarded. In three verses, Dylan manages to create such amazing drama, which is brief, yet full.
The joker wants to escape because "there's too much confusion"; he feels used ("by businessmen" and "plowmen"). The thief can however appreciate the worth of all his efforts and is sympathetic towards the joker. Both of them understand the value of each other. But the last lines of the lyric show how despite the fact that they desperately want to begin new valuable lives, having realized that life is not a joke, they can't possibly enter the castle, and are left outside with the growling wildcat.

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