May 31, 2009

So the alcohol's over. And no one has any cigarettes left. And I've officially lost faith. Though there's still a hope of getting it back.

May 25, 2009

The meeting didn't go at all as expected. In fact, there was no truth in most of what I said, but I think lies will only help the other person.
"Because sometimes, the truth isn't good enough. Sometimes, people deserve more."
Atleast I hope so.

I wish I were on heavy fuel. Maybe then I wouldn't have lied as much. Atleast not as beautifully.
Oh, and everything is off the record now.

May 23, 2009

It was strange. Almost unreal and creepy. And yes, very very trippy. I couldn't understand the point of the whole thing. I just laughed and laughed till my stomach started hurting.
Actually I should feel bad about it all, but really, I just can't stop laughing. Still! But I'm also left wondering what to do now.

This definitely has to go into my biography. Strange Brew!

May 21, 2009

I look from the wings at the play you are staging
While my guitar gently weeps
As I'm sitting here doing nothing but aging
Still my guitar gently weeps

May 14, 2009

Sometimes, I wish I could go back to that beautiful solitude that once used to be mine. The solitude which I can trust to stay. The solitude that keeps me free.

Ah, but our own dear contradiction is here!

"If I ain't dead already, girl you know the reason why!" Yes,
in a very Yer Blues mood.

May 13, 2009

Get Back

It seems to be the season for elections, confusions and reconsiderations. So I think I’ll just join the bandwagon and take back my decision of ending this blog. It’s not because I have any good reasons for doing so, but I’ll revive this because I’m just bored and it will be good fun to post sometimes.
Since I’m in a reticent mood, I’ll just say that my mood has changed from I Will to I’ll Follow the Sun.

Oh, and Roland Garros begins in less than two weeks. Twelve days, to be precise.