March 29, 2007

Yukatec Mayan and Kalamane Koffees

Jaguar Paw, or "Almost" played by Rudy Youngblood.

I have to put this on record. March 27th was possibly the best day for me after coming to Law School.
Things back home seem to get back to normal, with Ma perfectly all right and back home now.
But in Law School, my first outing in the exclusive company of both of my favourite people in Law School. I won't even bother being adjectival about it, it is indescribable; just that feeling of utter joy and perfect comfort in elite company, which I haven't experienced in Law School so far. Things didn't quite start too auspiciously though. Couldn't get the show for Little Miss Sunshine, so took a while to decide whether to watch Nishabd or Apocalypto. Chose the latter as it had longer running time. Had a cheap lunch buffet at 'Zaika', just before which Batashi's slippers gave in. Then returning to Forum, we commenced watching Apocalypto, despite the intensity of which, it turned out to be comedy for us in the first half. The two ladies even tried shifting to another movie. Anyways, post-intermission, we decided to accept things as they were - the movie as it was. And it turned out to be quite an experience. A movie which I shall remember for a long long time, not only for being exquisite, but for the enviable company I was in. A yoyo got me a free dinner at Grameen.
Very precisely, the day was infinite bliss per second.

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